Letter to The Editor: Slow Growth candidates Bill Sampson and Ryan Embree

Letter to the Editor: The Malibu Times

Vote: Slow Growth candidates Bill Sampson and Ryan Embree

Dear Editor, 

Malibu residents, this election for City Council is more than contentious.

Every candidate is claiming to be Slow Growth, but only two candidates have a record of actually being Slow Growth: Bill Sampson and Ryan Embree are the only candidates who have spoken out against large and commercial development projects, standing up for Measure R (that gave voters a choice on big development and put limits on unwanted chain stores) and against MEASURE M (a development deal on open space parcels then owned by billionaire Jerry Perenchio/Malibu Bay Co.). Their historically preservationist endorsements speak volumes on their platforms and integrity. They both have spoken in support of true fire victims being able to rebuild quickly and not mansionizing for high-profit resale.

Most importantly, after watching Eastern Malibu’s Candidate forum, it is clear that certain candidates (Doug Stewart in particular) would be a continuation of the divisiveness of the current City Council.

Stewart purposely spread an inaccuracy about me to try and put Mr. Sampson in a bad light as I was his supporter. I have always been very polite to Mr. Stewart, so not sure why he did this. Bill Sampson set the record straight and is a class act. Stewart’s demonstrated disrespect of vocal and strong minority women in Malibu disrespects the female voters and progressive male voters. Malibu sees through his charade of “saving Malibu” propaganda. We need to Save Malibu from him once again and vote for long-time residents committed to preserving the Malibu we love, Bill Sampson and Ryan Embree. 

Jo Drummond

Big Rock resident